ETA- Emerging Technologies and Architecture
How Can We Help You?
The Emerging Technologies and Architecture (ETA) Team is a dedicated group of IT professionals with a purpose of helping CSUs across campus to learn, explore, and pilot new technologies. The ETA team works closely with cloud providers of Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google (GCP) and will evaluate all vendor services to find the best fit for the use case being considered. A cloud-smart approach is followed which means the recommended solution might not be in the cloud.
If you want help trying something new, please take advantage of this common good service by e-mailing to get started.
Below are common ways that the ETA Team can assist.
On-boarding process with any of key Cloud Providers (AWS, Google, MS Azure)
- Partner on Proofs of Concept, Trials and Migrations
- Provide Reference architectures, Solution designs, Assessments, and Technical and Cost Analysis
- Offer suite of services via Service Catalog
Enterprise Agreements in place with the three leading Cloud Providers
- Gain access to beta user status/early access (AWS)
- Serve as clearinghouse of UT-Austin Cloud activity to best leverage knowledge, work and expertise across organizations
Knowledge Sharing
- Once your proof of concept or project is complete, showcase your work so others can learn from your accomplishments
- Just getting started, learn from others by leveraging what others have done to accelerate your cloud journey